
Illuminates that side of the soul

Dr. Randa Ahmed Nato

Sep 8, 2023

5 min read

Do not let disappointment be a sword that destroys you, but rather make it a new light for your path

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يضئ ذلك الجانب من النفس

بقلم د/رانده احمد نتو

النفس وماادرك مالنفس خصوصا اذا كنت عائش في الجانب المظلم من النفس وهو الخذلان ، يستمر فيه الانسان فتره طويله في هذا الجانب بدون ان يشعر ، لانه ذلك الشعور المؤلم من شخص مقرب ، ثقه عاليه وتقدير وحب واهتمام ومن ثم يتحول الى شخص جارح شخص مختلف عن السابق تغير خارج عن ارادتك فتعاملك مع هذه التغير قرار ..

ومضه ( لا تجعل الخذلان سيف يدمرك بل اجعله اناره جديده لطريقك ).

illuminates that side of the soul

Written by Dr. Randa Ahmed Nato

The self and I do not realize what the soul is, especially if you are living in the dark side of the self, which is disappointment. A person continues for a long time in this side without realizing it, because it is that painful feeling from a close person, high trust, appreciation, love and care, and then he turns into a hurtful person, a different person than before. Change is beyond your control, so how you deal with this change is a decision.

Flash (Do not let disappointment be a sword that destroys you, but rather make it a new light for your path)


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Change is beyond your control, so how you deal with this change is a decision.

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Change is beyond your control, so how you deal with this change is a decision.

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Change is beyond your control, so how you deal with this change is a decision.

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